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Online Resource Bundles (ORBs) are designed to support teachers as they strive to create opportunities for innovation in their classrooms.


Packaged into flexible units of study, teachers can assign desired instructional activities and digital content to their classes, groups of students, or individual students, based on their learning needs.

ORBs & ORBits

Blended Learning

Online Resource Bundle logo


Designed to Match How Teachers Teach...

and How Students Learn

How Humans Learn

Gagné's 9 Events of Learning

Gagne's 9 Events of Learning graphic

Resulting Lesson


lesson structure

Spider Learning's ORB is the first comprehensive middle school curriculum designed to enable the Art of Teaching by applying the Science of Learning. 


Every lesson has a consistent structure of 10 focused resources that parallel Gagné's Events and the standard lesson format that most teachers use to plan. We refer to each of these instructional resources or "bits" of the lesson as ORBits.

ORBit learning resources

ORBits align to what our teachers already know and understand...

Pre-Test Icon
We have added an objective specific pre-diagnostic to each lesson that provides the teacher real time data to make formative instructional decisions.
lesson structure graphic
Post-Test Icon
Depth of Knowledge 2 Icon
Introduction Icon
Depth of Knowledge 1 Icon
Depth of Knowledge 3 Icon
Summary Icon
Daily Assignment Icon
video icon
In addition to our own proprietary content, we also provide multiple OER for each lesson and allow teachers to upload their own content to share with students. 
OER Resources Icon
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